The aftermath of all the sentimental LoveLocks being removed from the Pont des Arts bridge is still bringing plenty of controversy. Can LoveLocks bring a positive twist to sharing love around the world? Some say “YES”…installing safe and legal places for LoveLocks to call home just might be the answer. Couples, families and friends have been using this loving tradition to help heal, commit promises, and share loving celebrations worldwide for many years. We live in a wonderful world that is full beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventure…all of us seek some type of connection with LOVE. Even a very small amount of love can spread from one person to another. Every man, woman and child holds inside a story so unique that it could never be told completely so many lock a LoveLock to share with the world. We live in a beautiful world and for those of you that call love padlocks an eyesore or can only see the rust of a padlock…it is ever pervading and impossible to miss the intention unless your eyes are closed. So please open your eyes and share the LOVE with those who have shared and participated in this amazing tradition of “locking your love”. read more….