City bans skateboarding…deemed dangerous
City Council voted to add an ordinance to the city’s municipal code that would prohibit skateboarding and similar activities in certain areas of the city, such as steep canyons and parking lots, where they are considered dangerous. The city will post signs prohibiting skateboarding on 10 public streets; violators will be fined between $25 and $100.
Make skateboard parks? Humm? Why not?
Create a public park that can be skated: Most skateparks are ugly. They have giant fences around them; are made of one material; have no shade, trees or landscaping around them and often don’t even have a place to sit. Skateboarders can share space with other park users, in particular when skating street style elements. Cities should create places to skateboard with high-quality, durable materials and provide seating, landscaping, trees and shade. Many cities have done just, social and secure places for everyone to enjoy!
Make “Locking Your Love” safe, social and legal…
Create a public place where people can ‘lock their love”: City officials are saying that bridges, fences and gates adorned with custom engraved love padlocks (aka) Lovelocks are an ugly eyesore. Couples, families and friends can share space with other park users. Cities should create places that provide seating, landscaping, trees and shade for this wonderful tradition of LOVE to continue in their communities. We call it Lock Art. If making skateboard parks proved to be a positive application then …Why not a “Lovescape” (structure) for people to affix their Lovelocks?